South Association Forum FSA - September 2011
5 - 9 September 2011, Gdańsk, Poland

Important dates


Date: September 5, 2011 -September 8, 2011
time: 9:00

Gdansk University of Technology

Address: Gdańsk, Narutowicz 11/12
tickets: - Details in the description

The program includes three main areas:shale gas (Tuesday, 6 September), natural gas - (Wednesday, 7 September) and biogas(Thursday, 8 September). 

Under the theme of the fall related issues and interdisciplinary (eg training for resolving social conflicts in the gas sector investments). 

Participation in the conference will allow learn about the latest solutions, obtaining reliable knowledge in strategic areas for the development of the country and the region, deepening interest and make new contacts. confirmed participation in the conference representatives of domestic and foreign. 

Patronage of the conference included prominent personalities and a wide patronage indicates the strategic importance of the topics.


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